Repeater on TowerWelcome to the Carroll County Amateur Radio Club, located in Westminster, Maryland, USA.

We are a nonprofit organization of amateur radio operators and others interested in radio and technology.  While our focus is radio technology, we also experiment with Raspberry PI and other Maker technology.  We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month (except December) and have a strong connection to the Amateur Radio emergency services, ARES and RACES.  Anyone interested in amateur radio or electronics technology is welcome to attend.

Club functions include a kit builds, fox hunts, hamfest, Field Day, and holiday dinner.

Membership is open to anyone interested in amateur radio or building with modern technology.  Yearly dues are $10 and here’s the CCARC Application Form.  Mail your completed form and dues to us at PO BOX 2211 Westminster MD 21158, or just show up at one of our monthly meetings.